Wednesday, August 24, 2011


  • In the world of remodeling/contracting, one week actually means one month.
  • Never assume people use their brains.  If you do, then you end up with a whole bathroom done in oil rubbed bronze fixtures and one bushed nickel drain, because they "didn't realize you wanted it ALL to match."
  • Book titles should be considered carefully.  "She Smells the Dead" isn't making me want to read your book.
  • Never try to pay a $10.50 bill with $20.50.  You'll get $9.50 back plus your original 50cents with an explanation that the 50cents wasn't needed because the $20 was more than enough to cover the bill.
  • I really hate walking past the "Lids" store here.  They stand in front and try to talk to everyone who passes.  Do I look like the type of person who wears ridiculously expensive (and quite ugly) hats from sports teams, Tap Out or DC?
  • I wish I had learned how to play the piano.
  • A recent blogger posted Would it be as swoon worthy if your man said it? about how women love sappy declarations of undying love in books, but maybe not so much in real life.  It's true.  If Jason suddenly came home and professed his love for me in the way of the alpha males in my books, I'd probably wet my pants from laughing so hard and then instantly want to know what he did wrong.
  • And finally, if I ever did Karaoke, I'd sing "Fancy" by Reba McEntire.  Come on, who doesn't love that song, even if it is about her becoming a prostitute.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Can't a girl catch a break?

I'm sick again!  Seriously, this sucks.  I haven't even finished my course of antibiotics from my sinus infection. I started feeling icky yesterday.  Today I have a lot of chest congestion, coughing, tightness in my chest, body aches and a fever.  I am blaming it on all the rain we have had for weeks now.  The lower temperatures and constant dampness obviously doesn't bode well for a healthy body.  You would think with all the vitamins and medication I have been pumping into me, I'd be the picture of good health.

Off to curl up on the couch with a mug of coffee and a blanket for my chills and my nook. 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Did you want a sink in your bathroom?

I've been looking forward to today since May.  Why?  Because today was the start of my master bathroom remodel.  When we bought this house we knew right away the bathroom had to be changed.  The vanity was too small and so was the shower.  The shower was a tiny corner shower so small we could not shower without hitting our elbows on the door, which was not installed properly either.  I found a contractor and ordered everything needed for the bathroom and began the long wait.  It took two months for everything to get shipped here.  Once it all arrived,  I had tons of boxes filling my garage and was left parking outside.  Then my contractor broke his finger and the job was pushed back again. 

Finally, the day arrived.  The contractor showed up and started tearing everything out.  Then he went out to the garage, only to discover everything was there but the vanity top!  WHAT?!  Apparently the plumbing supply company I ordered from left it off the order.  And to top it off, all my stuff is custom order solid surface material, so it's not like I can just run up there and get one.  Luckily, the company has one in my material, size and color in Canada but it will take at least two weeks to get here.  Meanwhile, my old vanity top broke in half while being removed, so I can't even use it as a temporary one.  Looks like I'll be without a finished master bath for at least the next month.  Great! 

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Goodbye Pike's, you've lost a loyal customer!

I don't ask for much.  I do best to get through these deployments, sanity slightly dented but mostly intact, handling everything thrown my way.  All I ask for is one night a week to relax and be me, not mom, dad, maid, chef, chauffeur, handyman, referee and all around saver of the world.

I found that place at Pike's Landing for the past three months.  I went there not only for the food and drinks but because of the staff.  To say Gina and I became attached to the bartender, Michelle, is an understatement.  She became a friend and we became loyal customers because of her.  So why, for the love Pete, did Pike's have to go and ruin it all.  They not only let go of a fantastic bartender, who kept order in her bar and was on top of her job and her customers needs, but also lost two very loyal customers in the process.  And for what?  Not a good reason that's for sure.

I'm sure some people will read this and think I am being overly dramatic.  But I am very OCD by nature.  I do my best to control it and not let it consume me.  It's a daily battle and routine is the only way I know how to deal with it.  I don't like "spur of the moment" and the phrase "let's try something new" makes me cringe.  I need stability.  The military makes that very difficult.  To counter the constant change and moving, I try find something to be my rock.  Pike's and the friends I made there were my constant.  Now that is gone. 

It's going to be a long winter!
Team Michelle!