Sunday, June 12, 2011

Good Smut and a Pet Peeve

I read the best contemporary romance the other day and have to mention it.  It was Yours To Keep by Shannon Stacey.  There was no mystery or plot twists. It was just a nice, sweet and very funny romance.  You knew from the get go how it was going to turn out and there were no curve balls through.  While that may sound boring, it was far from it.  I have never laughed so hard!  The author did a great job a creating realistic characters, which is very hard to do in contemporary romance.  That is one of those genres that makes my eyes roll.  It is very hard to create people who seem normal and real since you can not fall back onto "paranormal" or the craziness of "historical" to explain away unrealistic behavior. 

Now for my pet peeve.  I love to read book blogs.  They are were I find most of my reading recommendations, including the book I just mentioned.  I am an adult.  I read adult books.  Most of my blogs have a warning stating the books they review and conversations on their blogs contain adult content.  So why, for the love of pete, are so many of them reviewing young adult books!  I know they are popular.  Even I fell into the Twilight trap.  But put all those reviews and recommendations into a subcategory LABELED Young Adult PLEASE!  I can not tell you how many times I have read through a whole review only to find out at the END or not find out at all until I go to buy the book, that it is young adult.  Don't waste my time.  If I want young adult books I will seek them out, it is not hard.  I go to adult romance blogs to find adult romance books.   Seriously, think about it this way: how upset would you be to allow yourself a sugary treat only to get home to find out it is sugar free!!

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