Thursday, May 12, 2011

DAMMET Award: Student Fail

Today's DAMMET award is brought to you by my friend, a professor.  His student did not do well in his course and instead of being a man, the student decided to behave like the coddled, pansy ass momma's boy we are seeing a lot of from a generation with a huge sense of entitlement.

This is the student's email:
I know it's my fault but not everyone can manage the stresses of life properly. Due to the D in your class I can no longer graduate and furthermore I can no longer afford to go to college. It's completely my fault but the truth of the matter is I am not a D student and that was obvious through my earlier exhibitions. Four years of college simmering down to the completion of one class and now I can't graduate. Now I will be joining the military.

Wow!  Just Wow!   I don't even know where to begin.  How can I feel so much anger and violence towards a person I have never even met?  There are so many things I would love to say to this POS but I do believe it would actually tax out my very extensive, and at times very creative, profane vocabulary.  So I will leave it with a cookie monster inspired response:  "D is for Dumb Ass, that's what you are to me!"

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