Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dugout Drunk

Today was Chey's first softball practice.  It started out with the cops being called to remove a shirtless drunk homeless man from the dugout.   The cop allowed him to leave without arrest, but he had a lot of beer to pour out.  Then the coach announced she would be leaving the team because of a job offer and they would be looking for a replacement.  Great start to the season!  Time to go eat the $12 watermelon I bought today.

Monday, May 23, 2011

No Paranormal Romance

I have read four books this past week and tonight I started my fifth.  While that is not unusual for me, it is unusual that not a single one of those books was a paranormal romance!  But before anyone becomes concerned, I read plenty of PR the week before.  But lately I have had a pull towards historical romance.  Once I started, I realized just how much I enjoy them and have decided to stick with it for awhile.  There is just something about Scottish Highlanders an English Lords that I find highly interesting and hard to resist.

On April 24, I set a goal on to read 35 books before the end of the year.  As of May 23, I have read 11.  I am interested to see how many I actually end up reading by the end of the year and the grand total at the end of the deployment. 

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rapture Fail

Welcome to Courtland, where the koolaid won't kill you and the calendars are renewable!

Obviously the rapture did not happen, not that I ever believed it would.  It really saddens me how many people fall for that crap every time.  Stupidity is highly contagious and unfortunately it seems to spread like wild fire.  Maybe the CDC should look into that.

Of course, this is just the start.  We still have the whole 2012 hysteria to face next year.  Even my own family has not escaped that insanity.  My own father believes.  So I mentioned he was more than welcome to sign everything over to me.  Really people, come on! 

I think I want to have a 2012 party next year.  Here's my list so far:
  • Koolaid, not laced with poison
  • Food catered by Mayan Palace and/or Taco Azteca
  • a cake shaped like a virgin sacrifice
  • a donation pot where everyone who "believes" can feel free to deposit their money and worldly possesions
  • I'll have the CDC Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse on hand for any one concerned
  • tin foil hats
  • matching jumpsuits for everyone to wear

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Chicken Butt

I am trying to foster a love of reading in Josh.  Chey hates to read and it drives me insane. If it isn't Anime she won't touch it.  But Joanna loves to read, especially choose-your-own-adventure and American Girl mysteries.

So I bought a bunch of books the other day for Josh.  His favorite: Chicken Butt.  Yep, you read that right.  It is a whole book of nothing but "You know what? CHICKEN BUTT!  You know where?  CHICKEN UNDERWEAR!  You know why? CHICKEN THIGH! ........."   He LOVES this book and demands to read it repeatedly everyday.  He is such a boy!  What in the hell have I done!!  On the bright side, I'll take it over "Walter the Farting Dog" any day.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Too close to home

This hit way too close to home.  Knowing how much these families are hurting right now.  Remembering how the world seems to stop when you see those uniforms approach.  Knowing you can never go back, nothing will every be the same.  My heart is breaking for these families.  No one should have to know this pain and far too many do.  No matter how much I try to fool my self and the people around me, I am not as strong as I would like to think.  I'm terrified and I can't face this again.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

DAMMET Award: Student Fail

Today's DAMMET award is brought to you by my friend, a professor.  His student did not do well in his course and instead of being a man, the student decided to behave like the coddled, pansy ass momma's boy we are seeing a lot of from a generation with a huge sense of entitlement.

This is the student's email:
I know it's my fault but not everyone can manage the stresses of life properly. Due to the D in your class I can no longer graduate and furthermore I can no longer afford to go to college. It's completely my fault but the truth of the matter is I am not a D student and that was obvious through my earlier exhibitions. Four years of college simmering down to the completion of one class and now I can't graduate. Now I will be joining the military.

Wow!  Just Wow!   I don't even know where to begin.  How can I feel so much anger and violence towards a person I have never even met?  There are so many things I would love to say to this POS but I do believe it would actually tax out my very extensive, and at times very creative, profane vocabulary.  So I will leave it with a cookie monster inspired response:  "D is for Dumb Ass, that's what you are to me!"

Monday, May 9, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

With Jason gone, the days drag by.   There is only so much cleaning a person can do, and this house is not as time consuming to maintain as our last house.  Everyone knows my passion for reading.  I love my books!  However that is just not enough when facing so much time alone.  So I have added a few new guilty pleasures:
  • I have become obsessed with watching Degrassi on Teen Nick.  Yes, I said it, I am addicted to a teen soap opera. 
  • I never leave the house on Thursday night.  Vampire Diaries is on.
  • I bought a treadmill.  There is something so satisfying about spending 30 minutes to an hour everyday with my iPod blaring and getting lost in my thoughts.  Sometimes it's 2Pac and Guns n' Roses and other times its Taylor Swift and Kesha, it all depends on my mood.
  • and finally, I read blogs, lots of blogs, about reading. 
I should probably get out of the house more.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Lover Unleashed=Good Smut

I just finished the 9th book in The Black Dagger Brotherhood.  I enjoyed it, but it had a few draw backs.  The fact that it took me 6 days to read it speaks volumes. Most books I finish in 2-3 days, but with this one, I just couldn't get as plugged into it as I normally would.  It was still way better than Phury's book, but I found I was able to put it down without being forced and did not feel the pull to stay up all night and finish it.  I can not give a full review here without spoiling it, so if anyone wants to read why I did not love this book, you can read my review here

I do look forward to seeing where the story line goes from here and I am still anxiously waiting for Quinn and Blay to finally get their own book.  Alas, it will not be #10.  That will be Tohrment.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Rejoice? I'm not there yet

Let me start by warning this post is how I feel.  It's my blog, so deal with it.

I got out of the shower last night to hear the news of Bin Laden's death.  It's an event I have been waiting for like all other Americans.  However, I didn't have the reaction I expected. I did not cheer or jump up and down or rejoice in his death.  I just sat there on the couch and thought "well, will the one who takes his place be even worse?"

 A friend posted this on FB:
I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. "Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that."- Martin Luther King Jr.
That is exactly how I feel.  I am not going to celebrate this.  Watching all those people on tv partying in the streets made me sick.  Why? It reminded me of the way the terrorists reacted when they finished a major attack or killed American soldiers.  Remember all the videos of them celebrating in the streets? I will not behave like them.  I am NOTHING like them.  
He needed to die.  I am not going to sit here and say he did not deserve it.  He did.  He reaped what he sowed and I will NEVER feel bad for his death.   However, we should not be partying and rejoicing in his death.  We should be thinking of all the men and women who died over the past 9 (almost 10) years trying to get to this point.  One death will not bring back thousands.  One death will not restore the full health to those who came home hurt.  One death will not bring back those who could not handle the nightmares and memories and day to day struggles and took matters into their own hands. One death does not give children back their parents.
We should be commemorating all it took to get to where we are now.  And if I may have a moment to be real a real bitch: How many of those partying signed up to serve after 9/11?  
Rejoice?  I am not there yet.