Monday, October 31, 2011

Wish I had a magic wand

Joanna has trashed her room again.  For those who do not know, my middle child is a hoarder.  She not only pulls out all her toys and doesn't put them away, she keeps trash.  You can't see the carpet in her room because of all the toys and dirty clothes.  Then her drawers and toys boxes and desk are full of trash.  She keeps everything: paper cups from brushing her teeth, chewed bubble gum, boxes, tissues....everything.  And to top it all off, all the clothes from her closet are shoved under her bed.  There is only one lone shirt hanging in her closet!  It is enough to make me want to cry.  Being OCD is hard enough.  Being OCD with a child who is a hoarder is enough to make me question not taking happy pills again.

She has had 2 weeks to clean her room.  I took away tv and her gameboy, nothing.  I took away her blankie and the computer, nothing.  She sat in her room for 6hours yesterday and refused to clean.  I sent her to bed 2 hours before her bed time and told her I was done.  As of today I go in and clean it.  That means I throw away almost everything.  I decide what toys she keeps and which ones get thrown away or donated.  She gets one toy box and only gets to keep what I can fit in it.  Everything else must go.  Once I have decided what she can keep, the toy box gets moved to the basement tv room.  She is not allowed to have any toys in her room any more. 

She of course is very upset and pleading to be given one more chance to clean, but no deal.  I told her I am still on the fence is she will be allowed to go trick or treating tonight.  She needs to learn mommy will not tolerate being lied to (she is constantly lying saying her room is clean until I go and check) and mommy expects rules to be followed and to be respected.  It's a hard lesson to learn but even her teacher is complaining about how messy her desk and bookbag are.  It's time to come down hard and make her realized her laziness and messiness will not be tolerated.

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