Friday, September 23, 2011

You should be ashamed

Gay Soldier Booed

I know many people don't share my view/opinion on the repeal of DADT nor do they share my view/opinion on homosexuality as whole.  That is fine. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.  However I am ashamed to share air with the asshats who booed an American soldier at the GOP debate.  Regardless of his sexual preference, he is doing something few Americans are willing to do.  He has willingly joined our military, deployed more than once and put his life on the line for this country.  He is sitting in a hell hole of a country and you, who sits in an air conditioned building, in a cushioned seat, with a nice warm bed and hot running water to go home to, have the nerve to boo him.  How many sitting in that audience do you think have ever stepped up for their country?  How many candidates on that stage have served?  So many say they are "proud, patriotic Americans" but they mean "proud, patriotic Americans as long as they never have to do anything."  And then there are the ones who "support our military" but then in the same conversation say they would never support a draft or allow their kids to serve because the military is "beneath them" or "for the ones who are uneducated".  Yes, I have had people (people who said they were my friends) say those very things to me.

I don't give a rat's ass if you have a problem with him being gay.  He deserves respect as a soldier fighting for this country and as a human being.  You don't boo him!  What are you, 5?  I'm tired of this Lynch Mob mentality many are developing.  Next thing you know they'll be throwing rotten vegetables and rounding up a posse. 

It's a sad day when I have to explain such poor, pathetic behavior to my kids.  Apparently love thy neighbor should be amended to love thy neighbor only if he is exactly like you and agrees with you on everything, if not then you should be disrespectful and exhibit bully like behavior.

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