I had my whole day tomorrow planned. I was going to get up early, hit the treadmill and then run a ton of errands to get ready for Chey's birthday party on Saturday. I even had a list! A list , I tell ya, and I don't usually make lists. So, of course, Josh is whiny and crying and complaining of a sore throat. He has been complaining for a few days, but I thought it was allergies. But now he is running a fever, really tired and won't eat. Called the doctor's and we have an appointment for tomorrow at 1pm, right smack in the middle of my day.
Normally, that would be no big deal. However, we are back to the world of military hospitals. Why does that change things? Because they operate under the rule of "let's make this as difficult as possible, especially since you have a sick kid!" Let me give you a run down of how tomorrow will go. First, I will have to leave at least an hour (maybe more) before the appointment. I have to have time to get through the ID check at the gate and then drive slower than a turtle at 20mph all through post before I finally make it to the hospital. It is a huge building and quite nice but with one major design flaw all military hospitals have: NOT ENOUGH PARKING!! So I will spend the next 20 minutes driving around and around, following people, making all sorts of promises and threats to mythical beings to finally find a spot. Once I do find one, we'll rush inside only to wait in line at check-in, since only one of four check in windows will be open due to everyone being on vacation. Next, we see the doctor. This part is never a problem. I have had pretty good experiences with the whole actual appointment process here.
The true horror comes next. The doctor will want to give him a prescription. Now it's time to head to the hospital pharmacy, which should be renamed Hell on Earth. It has it's own little hallway/entrance and as you pass through it you truly feel there should be a sign that reads "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here". You can expect to sit there for at least 2 hours. If you have ever seen the movie BeetleJuice where the couple has to wait in the dead waiting room forever, then you know what this is like. The waiting area is full of pissed off people, tired of waiting forever for prescriptions they need and freely voicing how much they hate this place. There are screaming kids, crying kids, kids that smell, screaming moms, and moms who have lost all sanity and just huddle in their chairs. Having volunteered in non-military pharmacy as the person filling prescriptions and checking out patients, this whole place angers me to no end. There is no reason for it to be run this badly.
By the time you finally make it out of there, your whole day is shot and there is nothing left to do but go home. Guess I should start chilling some wine now, cause I know I'll need it tomorrow.
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