Friday, July 8, 2011

Meanest Mom and a Trip to the ER

Chey's friends wanted to buy her a ticket to go see Hinder tonight for her birthday.  Problem is, the concert is at a bar/dance club (yes it does serve food, but also lots of alcohol and is a big hang out for single military/college kids/and other nightlife).  Most of their concerts are 21 and over, but this one is allowing under 21. At first I was told her friend's mom was going.  Then at the last minute it became known she wasn't going.  So this group of 14yr olds thought they would ask me drop them off and pick them up.  Um, Hell No!  I am not about to drop off a bunch of kids at a concert, at a bar, with no adult supervision, in Alaska, where I have already been less than impressed with the parenting (or lack there of) of this small town.  Chey is not going and she is not happy.  But I proudly accept my Meanest Mom award for being willing to stand up and parent my children.

After all that Josh went to the doctor.  They did a strep test but the doctor was worried there may be more wrong with him,specifically his appendix.  He said they would call later that day with the results, but if I did not hear then it was negative.  He also told me if his fever spiked or he started throwing up to bring him back.  Well, of course that is exactly what happened.  He started throwing up and couldn't hold down water.  They never called about the strep, so at 7:30 I took him to the military hospital ER.  Turns out he does have strep and it's really bad.  That is why he is so nauseous and they gave him medicine to help.  But he kept throwing it up so finally they had to give him a shot in the rear end.  Once he was able to hold down water for more then 30 minutes, they let us come home.

I am grateful to have such a great friend, Gina, who came over and went with me.  She was willing to brave sitting in the ER waiting room with all the crazies who come in after 9pm.  And believe me she had some stories to tell.

Once home I was ready to head to bed, but it wasn't over yet.  Chey came up and said she had talked to her friends and since I was not letting her go to the concert, then I should let her get her nose pierced to make up for it!!!!! LMAO!!!!!!!!  Really, she should do stand up because that was the funniest thing I have ever heard.

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