Monday, April 4, 2011

DAMMET Award: Dumb Parents

It's that time again for a new installment of the DAMMET awards.  (DAMMET=dumbass makes my eye twitch).

Since I have not met many people here in AK, I chat on messages boards a lot.  I am a member of a mom's board and every so often there will be a post that really makes me question who should be allowed to be parents and who should not.

 Here is the breakdown of today's post:
  • Mom goes out of town with boyfriend for the weekend
  • leaves 14yr son and 15yr old daughter with 28yr old aunt
  • son and daughter lie to aunt and say they are going swimming at friend's house
  • son and daughter walk to their own house with friends and steal their mom's car and go joyriding
  • aunt finds out and calls niece on cell phone, niece lies and says they are at friend's house
  • aunt goes to house and sits in driveway to wait for their return and catches them redhanded
  • aunt grounds them for the rest of the weekend
  • nephew gets really disrespectful, so aunt makes him stay in the basement (it is unfinished, but there is a bed and he is allowed to come up for the bathroom and meals) where he has no access to tv, computer, phone or video games until mom comes to get him the next morning.
The mom is furious with her sister and says her sister over reacted and the punishment was too harsh.  She wants the aunt to apologize to her son for being so mean to him!

Um.....HELLO!!!!! Your horrible children STOLE you car, took it for a joyride with no license and endangered themselves and everyone on the road.  What if they had crashed and killed someone?!  Then your son got mouthy with his aunt, who was responsible for him while you were off doing who knows what with your boy toy for the weekend!  Your are lucky they were not arrested!!  In fact, had I been the aunt, I would have called the cops!  I bet if your kids were hurt while they were acting like juvenile delinquents, you would hold your sister responsible.  Here's a thought, why don't you quit spending all your time with your boyfriend and spend more time teaching your kids about acceptable behavior!

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