Our household goods finally arrived. Of course, as with everything involving this move, it had to be full of drama. They couldn't get the 18-wheeler down our road. So they had to unload 13,000 pounds into smaller trucks and drive it in. Took two days to unload in -25 temperatures. Thank goodness for heated garages. Those poor guys worked hard. They had to open one crate at a time, unload it into the garage, shut the door, warm up some, then load it into the house.
The packers in SC SUCKED! They did such a bad job and made it even harder for the movers on this end. There was no rhyme or reason to how they packed things. They wrapped Joanna's bike in bubble wrap and tons of paper, however didn't bubble wrap any of my flat screen tvs! Not only did they not bubble wrap them, they put them in boxes TOGETHER with other things packed in between! So one of our tv's is completely shattered.
Then there is the whole problem with the kitchen boxes. They packed EVEYTHING from my pantry. I mean EVERYTHING. They packed opened boxes of cereal, cookies, chips, you name it. Like I am going to eat that! They also packed lots of liquids in glass bottles! Why is that so shocking you ask? Well they were bottles of wine and Arbor Mist and they froze. What happens when something freezes? It expands. The bottles busted and as they sat in boxes in my kitchen warming up, they leaked everywhere! All the boxes sitting in the area are now wet and smell like sour wine. My kitchen is all stinky, wet and sticky and unpacking wet cardboard is not fun!
So to relax from the stress, I was all excited to sit down and watch Vampire Diaries last night. It is the only tv show I follow and I have had to catch it online the past few weeks. I made a frozen lasagna and got all ready, only to find out I MISSED IT!!!!!! Apparently I still can not figure out the time change here. It came on at 7 not 8. Some things come on an hour early (central time) and some things come on 4 hours early (east coast time). How I am supposed to know when things come on if they follow more than one time zone????????
No wine, no Vampire Diaries, my world has gone mad! The only saving grace right now is Kresley Cole released a new installment in her Immortals After Dark series this week and I downloaded it before bed last night. Now if only I can find some time to read it.
That sounds horrible! Hope things get better (and warmer) quickly.